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Carbon County Folio Box and Booklet, Zatara Press

Carbon County Folio Box and Booklet, Zatara Press

In Carbon County, John Sanderson traces an existential journey through the present day American West. Set among Wyoming’s windswept high plains and distant horizons, this folio box of 24 tipped in photographs reveals a counterpoint between natural grandeur and human ambition. Inspired from Edgar Lee Masters’ Spoon River Anthology, and Thornton Wilder’s Our Town, Sanderson envisions a mysterious county abound with adventure, hope, love, and wanderlust. This is the land of the Noble Cowboy which is today contrasted against a contemporary landscape drained of its natural resources. Once this was the home to the Buffalo. Instead it now contains a bypassed space that is set apart, and left alone. What remains is a new breed of people influenced by these ideals of the past, while attempting to create a life with the remainders of this land. Sanderson shows this unyielding spirit of Wyoming and its culture to endure and prosper.

Buy Now at the “Purchase Here” link above

Purchase Here
View Carbon County Gallery

Folio Box Specifications:

15 x 15 Inches
1 Hand Crafted Folio Box
24 Signed and Numbered Color Photographs Tipped into Letterpress Boards
1 Essay by John Sanderson
1 Newsprint Booklet
Edition: 50

Booklet Specifications:

289 x 380 Millimeters
24 Color Photographs + Cover
Newsprint Booklet
Zatara Press
ISBN 978-0-9903321-9-0
Edition: Open

The Folio Box and Booklet will be pre-released in April at The Photography Show By AIPAD, Los Angeles Art Book Fair, and Photolucida Photobook Fair.

Railroad Landscapes, Revela't Festival, Vilassar de Dalt, BCN, 2023

Railroad Landscapes, Revela't Festival, Vilassar de Dalt, BCN, 2023

Commission, Kentucky Documentary Photography Project, 2022

Commission, Kentucky Documentary Photography Project, 2022